Uses of CALL in English language teaching


This blog will illustrate how substantial Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is nowadays. As a brief summary of this approach, it emerged in the 1980s the fact is that it mixes the cognitive, constructivist, and behavioristic approaches with the use of new technologies such as computers as well as the internet. Teachers can choose different sub-categories delivered by CALL to teach, and they are:

  1. Drill and Practice
  2. Computer as tutor
  3. Computer as simulation
  4. Games on computer
  5. Computer as a tool for EFL teachers and learners
  6. Internet applications
I just chose computer as a tutor for developing the five threads. 


The computer as a tutor aims to show students the texts but in different presentations such as slides, videos, short animations, etc. The objective is that students can be able to gain insights into the foreign language as well as linguistic components, phonemes, syntax, etc. In addition, this approach emphasizes the feedback in each lesson. 
