
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2023

LESSON 5: Amusement Parks Around the World

Amusement Parks Around the World 1. READ THE TEXT BELLOW. There are many places where you can have fun, but nothing is like amusement parks. Here is a list of the most amazing places to visit if you are a fan of roller coasters. Denmark’s Tivoli Gardens is full of flowers. It was an inspiration for Walt Disney. It has existed since 1843. It is full of different games like bumper cars and roller coasters. Disney World’s Magic Kingdom is in Orlando, Florida. It is the biggest park in the world, with more than 20 million visitors yearly.  There are castles, mountains, and many new things every time you visit. Efteling Park in the Netherlands is an amusement park with inspiration in ancient legends. There is a magic tree called Marerijk and a scary roller coaster called Baron 1898. This roller coaster falls very quickly before circling the park. These are just some of the amazing amusement parks in the world. There are also other beautiful places like Beto Carrero World in Brazil with big

LESSON 4: My Favorite Sports Moment

 My Favorite Sports Moment Every time someone tells a series of events, this is called narration. Telling a story is not as simple as it seems. There are three types of narration: first person, second person, and third person, and each has a purpose. 1. Read carefully the grammar pictures attached.  2. Now you have reviewed some grammar rules and structures, let's think about a Tv moment we remember and consider as 'iconic'. Think about it and describe how it was using the grammar shown before.    As an example, in my case, I remember the first time channel 2 showed the Doraemon series, and when I was at home I used to see that series. That series was really good to the human sight, because even the adults used to see that, in the case of the kids, when they were to school the next day they made comments about the last episode.  WRITE YOUR IDEAS HERE!

LESSON 3:The History of Soccer Uniforms

 The History of Soccer Uniforms 1. For this activity you will need to read the following paragraph. The uniforms that soccer players wear are not just jerseys. Soccer uniforms did not always look like they do now. Over time, the rules for uniforms changed. The players could wear whatever clothes they wanted. They usually used white shirts, long pants, and colorful hats or scarves to distinguish themselves from their opponents.  Around 1870, the public asked for uniforms for the players. Since then, soccer players have worn uniforms with the colors that represent the team. Samuel Widdowson invented shin guards in 1874. His idea was not accepted at first, but then other players used them too. Since the 1990s, soccer shirts have been designed with light synthetic fabric for athletic activity.  By the 1960s, soccer uniforms started resembling the athletic apparel we see today. Soccer uniforms are basic. They include a short-sleeved top, shorts, high socks over shin guards, and soccer cleat


In the world, there are many sports that are practiced around the world, and most of them are most popular than others, cycling, swimming, riding, etc. are some examples of it.  Below you will find an interesting activity. 1. Look at the following picture and discuss it in class, try to guess how are called the sports are illustrated in the picture. Example: I guess the picture one is volley... 2. Use the vocabulary given to discuss again with your classmates and use the vocabulary to show them what sports like you.


 History of the Olympics Does Ecuador have any Olympic champions? 1. READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT.  The Olympic Games were started in ancient Greece 3,000 years ago and they were brought back to life in the 19th century. In the beginning, the Olympic Games were a celebration. People participated to honor the god Zeus, every four years from the 8th century B.C. to the 4th century A.D. The first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens, in 1896 with only 280 athletes from 13 nations. The participants competed in 43 competitions In 1994, the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games were split. Today, the Olympics are the most important sports competition in the world with more than 300 events. In 1896, track and field, gymnastics, swimming, shooting, fencing, cycling, tennis, weightlifting, and others like figure skating and ice hockey were added. 2. Watch the next video about the history of the Olympic games.  3. At last, you will have to put vocabulary from the video, it can be pic

Uses of CALL in English language teaching

COMPUTER-ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (CALL) This blog will illustrate how substantial Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is  nowadays. As a brief summary of this approach, it emerged in the 1980s the fact is that it mixes the cognitive, constructivist, and behavioristic approaches with the use of new technologies such as computers as well as the internet. Teachers can choose different sub-categories delivered by CALL to teach, and they are: Drill and Practice Computer as tutor Computer as simulation Games on computer Computer as a tool for EFL teachers and learners Internet applications I just chose computer as a tutor for developing the five threads.  COMPUTER AS A TUTOR The computer as a tutor aims to show students the texts but in different presentations such as slides, videos, short animations, etc. The objective is that students can be able to gain insights into the foreign language as well as linguistic components, phonemes, syntax, etc. In addition, this approach emphasiz